Return Policy


To protect all our customers and make sure that we handle every return or exchange with reasonable fairness, we cannot accept a return or exchange (even within 30 days of purchase) in certain situations, including:

  • Products damaged by misuse, abuse, improper care or negligence, or accidents (including pet damage).
  • Products showing excessive wear and tear. Products differ, but generally, wear and tear is considered excessive if the product is nearing the end of its practical use, or just looks heavily worn.
  • Products lost or damaged due to fire, flood, or natural disaster.
  • Products with a missing label or label that has been defaced.
  • Products returned for personal reasons unrelated to product performance or satisfaction.
  • Products that have been soiled or contaminated, until they have been properly cleaned.
  • On rare occasions, past habitual abuse of our Return Policy.
  • Products purchased from third party sellers (Items purchased at one of our retail partners must be returned to them and are subject to their return policies).